Graduate Students

Active Graduate Students

Picture of Yaara Gur-Esh

Yaara Gur-Esh

MSc. Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research title: Metacognitive switch cost: Task switching effect on meta-memory and meta-reasoning
Expected graduation: 2024

Picture of Ayelet Ivtsan

Ayelet Ivtsan

MSc. Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Expected graduation: 2025


Graduated (partial list)

Picture of Yarden Riskin

Yarden Riskin

MSc. Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research title: Metacognitive regulation of mental effort among medical trainees
Graduated: 2022

Picture of Shahar Gat

Shahar Gat

MSc. Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research title: "It's about time": Metacognitive Processes Underlying Duration Judgments in Problem Solving
Graduated: 2022
Picture of Ori Nizri-Tal

Ori Nizri-Tal

MSc. Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research title: Search behaviors - The evolvement of stopping criteria and confidence judgments with accumulation of experience
Graduated: 2021; Combined supervision with Dr. Kinneret Teodorescu
Picture of Ofri Shefer-Gilat

Ofri Shefer-Gilat

MSc Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering (started at Organizational Behavior and changed during studies)

Research Title: The Association Between Sense of agency and Metacognitive Accuracy in Problem Solving
Graduated: 2020
Picture of Noam Gooz

Noam Gooz

MSc. Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research title: The metacognition of creativity
Graduated: 2022

Kenett, Y. N., Gooz, N., & Ackerman, R. (2023). The role of semantic associations as a metacognitive cue in creative idea generation. Journal of Intelligence, 11(4), 59. Continue Reading Noam Gooz
Picture of Marwan Abbas

Marwan Abbas

MSc. Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research title: Improving metacognitive judgment reliability in Problem Solving
Graduated: 2022

Picture of Lidor Asulin

Lidor Asulin

MSc. Track: Data Science

Research title: Confidence Prediction Using Mouse Tracking Data
Graduated: 2024

Picture of Ilan Torgovitsky

Ilan Torgovitsky

MSc Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research Title: Metacognitive Perspective on Strategic Allocation of Time across Items
Graduated: 2018
Ackerman, R., Yom-Tov, E., & Torgovitsky, I. (2020). Using confidence and consensuality to predict time invested in problem solving and in real-life web searching. Cognition, 199, 104248.

Sidi. Y., Torgovitsky, I., Soibelman, D.,Miron-Spektor, E., & Ackerman, R. (2020). You may be more original than you think: Predictable biases in self-assessment of originality. Acta Psychologica, 203, 103002. Continue Reading Ilan Torgovitsky
Picture of Dr. Yael Sidi

Dr. Yael Sidi

PhD Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction

Research Title: On the role of medium, computer screen vs. paper, as a cue for processing depth
Graduated: 2017

Sidi, Y., & Ackerman, R. (2024). Opting out as an untapped resource in instructional design: Review and implications. Educational Psychology Review, 36, 41.

Hoch, E., Sidi, Y., Ackerman, R., Hoogerheide, V., & Scheiter, K. (2023). Comparing Mental Effort, Difficulty, and Confidence Appraisals in Problem-Solving: A Metacognitive Perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 35(2), 61.

Sidi, Y., Torgovitsky, I., Soibelman, D., Miron-Spektor, E., & Ackerman, R. (2020). You may be more original than you think: Predictable biases in self-assessment of originality. Acta Psychologica, 203, 103002.

Sidi, Y., Ackerman, R., & Erez, A. (2018). Feeling happy and (over)confident: The role of positive affect in metacognitive processes. Cognition & Emotion, 32(4), 876-884.

Sidi, Y., Shpigelman, M., Zalmanov, H., & Ackerman, R. (2017). Understanding metacognitive inferiority on screen by exposing cues for depth of processing. Learning and Instruction, 51, 61-73.

Sidi, Y., Ophir, Y., Ackerman, R. (2016). Generalizing Screen Inferiority – Does the Medium, Screen versus Paper, Affect Performance Even with Brief Tasks? Metacognition & Learning, 11(1), 15-33.

Thompson, V., Ackerman, R., Sidi, Y., Pennycook, G., Ball, L., & Prowse Turner, J. A. (2013). The role of answer fluency and perceptual fluency in the monitoring and control of reasoning: Reply to Alter, Oppenheimer, & Epley (2013). Cognition, 128, 256-258.

Continue Reading Dr. Yael Sidi
Picture of Dr. Tirza Lauterman

Dr. Tirza Lauterman

Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

MSc Research Title: The Hidden Cues behind the Screen - Media Effect on Improving Metacomprehension
PhD Research Title: Initial Judgement of Solvability in Problem Solving: Non-verbal and Verbal Problems Accuracy
Graduated MSc: 2013; PhD: 2020

Lauterman, T., & Ackerman, R. (2024). Initial Judgment of Solvability: Integrating heuristic cues with prior expectations regarding the task. Thinking & Reasoning, 30:1, 135-168.

Ackerman, R., Binah-Pollak, A., & Lauterman, T. (2023). Metacognitive Effort Regulation across Cultures. Journal of Intelligence, 11(9), 171.

Lauterman, T., & Ackerman, R. (2019). Initial Judgment of Solvability in non-verbal problems – A predictor of solving processes. Metacognition and Learning, 14(3), 365–383.

Lauterman, T., & Ackerman, R. (2014). Overcoming screen inferiority in learning and calibration. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 455-463.

Ackerman, R., & Lauterman, T. (2012). Taking reading comprehension exams on screen or on paper? A metacognitive analysis of learning texts under time pressure. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 1816-1828.

Continue Reading Dr. Tirza Lauterman
Picture of Dr. Roee Shraga

Dr. Roee Shraga

PhD Track: Data Science

Research Title: (Artificial) Mind over Matter: Integrating Humans and Algorithms in Solving Matching Problems
Graduated: 2020; Combined supervision with Prof. Avigdor Gal
Ackerman, R., Gal, A., Sagi, T., Shraga, R. (2019). A cognitive model of human bias in matching. In Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI, pp. 632-646). Springer, Cham (Computer science conference proceedings; authors are in alphabetical order). Continue Reading Dr. Roee Shraga
Picture of Baillie Shuster

Baillie Shuster

MSc Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research Title: The Moderating Effects of Fixed and Growth Mindsets on Meta-Reasoning Processes
Graduated: 2020; Combined supervision with Dr. Liat Levontin
Picture of Asa Kinory

Asa Kinory

MSc. Track: Cognitive Psychology and Human-Factors Engineering

Research title: The Role of Metacognitive Processes in Effectively Using Adaptive User Interfaces
Expected graduation: 2021; Combined supervision with Prof. Avi Parush

Additional PhD and MSc graduates and abstracts of theses


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